As your statement of intention
Groom do you now choose Bride to be your life companion, to share your life openly with her, to speak truthfully and lovingly to her, to accept her fully as she is and delight in who she is becoming, to respect her uniqueness, encourage her fulfilment, and compassionately support her through all the changes of your years together?
I do.
As your statement of intention
Groom will you take Bride to be your partner this day, to love her, respect her as a person, understand her needs, ensure her happiness, and actively grow with her through all the changes of your years together?
I will.
As your statement of intention
Groom will you take Bride to be your lawful wedded wife this day, standing by her no matter what happens, respecting her as a person, understanding her needs, encouraging her fulfilment, loving her and enjoying her love, until death parts you?
I will.
As your statement of intention
Will you take bride to be your lawful wife?
Will you love her, comfort her,
Honor and keep her, in sickness and health,
And forsaking all others, keep her only unto her.
As long as you both shall live
I will.